There's a lot of amazing photographers out there, and don't be afraid: we'll feature as much of them as we can here on DrivePact. But this week we want to highlight a specific genre of photography: drone photography.
Alexandru Dragan - @alexandrudrg
His bio says 'exploring Romania and beyond' and it makes us want to plan a roadtrip to Romania. No, it makes us want to get in the car and go there now. The mix of drone photography versus regular photography seems to be 50/50 on his Instagram feed. But we feel his drone shots are among the more creative. We selected three of his photos below.
We love this shot because of two reasons. First of all: the fact he managed to get the drone lined up seemingly perfect at the same spot with apparently months in between. Second of all: the simplicity of the actual shot. Very clean!
Can somebody tell us how to pronounce 'Cheile Bicazului' correctly? We need to ask for directions to get there now. Amazing top-down shot of an amazing place!
What's the fine for snow drifting in Romania? We're asking for a friend.
Jake McKenna - @jakevideo
And then we have a look at another favorite: Jake McKenna. We love how Jake incorporates cars in his drone photography. He seems to have some impressive material in front of his lens on a regular basis, also when he's not flying his drone around.
This first shot was taken somewhere in the Scottish Highlands. The Highlands are also very high on the DrivePact Crew We Must Go There To Have A Roadtrip list. The only thing longer than the name of that list, is the actual list itself. We'll share some of it soon. Anyhow: Jake shot this amazing Morgan thundering up an empty road. We can only imagine how this must have been an amazing experience for the driver. Top down, empty road and the classic machinery to take you down that road at reasonable speed.
Amazing landscape. Almost a shame they put a road through it but it means we can go there to check it out. And we really want to. The tones and framing of this shot are amazing, great stuff!
One more. Would be a shame to not include a video with such surname. Just kidding Jake, excuse us! We're getting really bored here, not being able to go out and have the fun you guys were obviously having with those amazing cars on these amazing roads. At least it gives us inspiration on what to do as soon as the world opens up again, thanks for that!
Luke Stackpoole - @withluke
And then there's Luke Stackpoole. He's an adventure photographer who features a lot of roads and car related stuff on his feed.
Iceland is a country that has some magic to it somehow. We would love to drive that road through the water. We love the wide framing, capturing the whole mountain, emphasizing how humble the man made structure beneath it actually is. Amazing photo.
This was taken in the Hunan province in China. Too bad there's busses allowed there, we think they might get in the way. But we still want to have that road to ourselves some day, and a big part of that is down to this amazing photo.
The Italian Dolomites have some amazing roads on offer. This shot is just a fraction of what's to be found there. We love the alignment and peace in this photo. But also the detail is very nice: if we look really close we can see the huge grin on the driver's face, being alone on that amazing set of corners. Or maybe that's just our imagination. Great shot nonetheless!
About Three To Follow
Each week we highlight three of our favorites on social media. Favorite what? It can be anything, as long as there's a social media account attached to it. It can be three artists, designers, photographers, journalists, brands, drivers, maybe after market companies or destinations: it really can be anything. We always select three accounts we like within a theme. Three accounts we think are worth a follow. Enjoy!